SECTION 1. By the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, that from and after the passing of this act, Roane County shall be bounded on the southwest by the following line, viz. Beginning on the north bank of Tennessee, at the end of the ridge that divides the waters of White's creek from those of Piney river; thence along said ridge, to Wallen's ridge; thence north forty five west to Overton county line.
SECTION 2. That all that tract of country lying within the following described bounds, shall be, and is hereby made and constituted a new and distinct county, by the name of RHEA: Beginning at a point on the above described line of Roane County, on the extreme height of the mountain dividing the waters of Sequachy, from those of Tennessee; thence along the top of said mountain, leaving all the waters running through said mountain in the county of Rhea, to the river Tennessee; thence up the meanders of said river to the beginning.
SECTION 3. That all that tract of country lying within the following described bounds shall be, and is hereby made and constituted a new and distinct county, by the name of BLEDSOE, viz. Beginning on the northwest end or comer of Rhea county, where it strikes the road leading to West Tennessee; thence north forty-five west, to Overton county line; thence southwardly with said line, to White county line, and with that line to the southern boundary of this state; thence eastwardly with said line to the comer of Rhea county line; thence with said line to the beginning. SECTION 4. That Thomas Moore, Joseph Brooks and John Henry, are hereby appointed commissioners to fix on the most suitable place for holding courts in said county of Rhea, until further provision is made by law.
SECTION 5. That for the due administration of justice, that the court of pleas and quarter sessions, shall be held in and for the county of Rhea, on the fourth Mondays of March, June, September and December; and that the first court shall be holden on the first Monday of December; and the justices for said county shall hold their respective courts at the place that shall be fixed upon by the commissioners, until otherwise provided for by law, and shall have and exercise the same powers and jurisdiction as are or shall be prescribed by and for the courts of the several counties in this state.
SECTION 6. That the said county of Rhea, be, aud the same is hereby declared a part of the district of Hamilton, in the same manner and for all purposes, civil, criminal and military, in as full and ample a manner as any county in this state, and shall send two jurors to the superior court of said district.
SECTION 7. That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the collector of public taxes of Roane County to collect the taxes for the year of one thousand eight hundred and seven, and all arrearages of taxes.
SECTION 8. That John Tollet, Joseph Hoge and James Standefer, are hereby appointed commissioners to fix on the most suitable place for holding courts for Bledsoe County, until otherwise provided for by law.
SECTION 9. That for the due administration of justice, that the court of pleas and quarter sessions shall be held in and for the county of Bledsoe, on the first Mondays of April, July, October and January; and the justices for said county, shall hold their respective courts at the place that shall be fixed upon by said commissioners, until otherwise provided for by law, and shall have and exercise the power and jurisdiction as are prescribed by and for the courts of the several counties in this state.
SECTION 10. That said county of Bledsoe be, and the same is hereby declared a part of the district of Hamilton, in the same manner and for all purposes, civil, criminal and military, in as full and ample manner as any county in this state, and shall send two jurors to the superior court of said districts.
SECTION 11. That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the collector of public taxes of Roane County from collecting the taxes for the year eighteen hundred and seven, and all arrearages of taxes.
SECTION 12. That a majority of the acting justices of the counties of Rhea and Bledsoe, when in session, shall have power, and are hereby authorized and required, to lay a county tax, not exceeding twelve and one half cents on each hundred acres of land liable to taxation; twelve and one half cents on each white poll; twenty five cents on each black poll; fifty cents on each stud horse, kept for covering mares; said tax to be laid from year to year, until otherwise provided for by law.
SECTION 13. That the election for governor, representatives to congress and members to the general assembly, shall be held at their respective places of holding courts, in the counties of Rhea and Bledsoe, by the sheriffs or their deputies, under the same rules and regulations as are prescribed by law, and on the same days which elections for such purposes, are authorized to be held; and those citizens of Rhea and Bledsoe counties, formerly citizens of Roane County, shall be entitled to vote in their respective counties.
SECTION 14. That it shall be the duty of the returning officers for the counties of Rhea and Bledsoe, to meet the returning officer of Roane county, in Kingston, on the succeeding Monday, with the number of their respective polls, and with him compare the same; and the returning officer of Roane, those duly elected members of the general assembly, and give certificates accordingly; and it shall be the duty of said sheriff to transmit a just statement of the polls of election for governor and representatives to congress, to the speaker of the senate, in the same manner as by law directed.
SECTION 15. That the sheriff of the county of Rhea, shall open and hold an election at the place of holding court in said county, on the second Friday and Saturday in January next, for the purpose of electing field officers of the militia in said county; and the militia of said county shall compose the thirtieth regiment of the militia of this state, and be attached to the third brigade.
SECTION 16. That the sheriff of Bledsoe county shall open and hold an election at the place of holding court in said county, on the third Friday and Saturday in February next, for the purpose of electing field officers of the militia of said county; and the militia of said county shall compose the thirty-first regiment of the militia of this state, and shall be attached to the third brigade.
Passed: November 30th, 1807.