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Acts of 1807 Chapter 72

SECTION 1.  That there be a new county established within the following bounds, to wit: Beginning on the south east corner of Warren county, thence with the south boundary line of Warren, to the western boundary line of Bedford county, thence with said line to the southern boundary line of the state, thence east with the state line to the south west corner of Bledsoe county, thence northwardly to the beginning; which said bounds shall constitute a new and distinct county, to be known by the name of FRANKLIN.

SECTION 2.  That for the administration of justice, a county court shall be held by the justices of the peace for said county, at the house where Maj. William Russell now lives, on the fourth Mondays in January, April, July, and October, in each and every year; and said court shall continue to be held at said Russell's until otherwise provided by law; and said courts shall be held until the same laws, rules and regulations, and shall have and exercise the same power and jurisdiction, as the other county courts within this state.

SECTION 3.  That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the said county of Franklin, to hold an election at the place of holding courts in the same, on the first Thursday in the month of April next, and on the succeeding day, for the purpose of electing one colonel and two majors of militia, which elections shall be held under the same laws, rules and regulations, as the elections for the same officers in the other counties within this state; and said officers shall have the same powers, and be subject to the same laws and duties, as the other colonels and majors of militia within this state.

SECTION 4.  That the sheriff of said county of Franklin, on the days prescribed by the constitution of this state, shall hold an election in said county, at the place of holding court, under the laws governing elections in like cases, for the purpose of electing a governor for the state, member or members of the state legislature, members of congress, (and when required by law) electors to elect the president and vice president of the United States; and it shall be the duty of said sheriff, to meet the plaintiff of Jackson county, on the Monday immediately succeeding each of said elections, at the court house of Jackson county, for the purpose of comparing the votes taken at Franklin with those taken in Jackson; and the sheriff of Jackson after the comparison takes a place, shall certify the person duly elected.

SECTION 5.  That general musters and courts martial shall be held at the place of holding courts in the said county of Franklin, on the following days, (to wit:) the general muster, on the first Thursday in the month of September, in each year; and the court martial on the same day in the following month; which musters and courts martial shall be governed by the laws in force regulating the militia--And the militia of said county, shall be attached to, and be a part of the fourth brigade, and shall be the thirty second regiment; and the said county of Franklin, shall be, and compose a part of Winchester district, and shall send three jurors to the superior courts at Carthage.

Passed:  December 3, 1807.