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Acts of 1806 (2nd Sess.) Chapter 27

COMPILER'S NOTE: The first seven sections of this act did not involve Overton County and are not included.

SEC. 8. That a new county be, and is hereby established by the name of Overton, on the east of Jackson county, bounded as follows: Beginning at the north east corner thereof, where Cumberland river enters the state; thence south twenty-one miles; thence south, twenty-three degrees east, parallel with the upper boundary of Jackson county, about four miles to the wilderness road leading from Walton's Ferry; thence along the said road to the western boundary of Roane county; thence northwardly along the same, to the north boundary of this state; thence along the same west, to the beginning, including the territory within the bounds specified in the petition of the inhabitants resident therein, exhibited to the General Assembly at this session, which bounds so specified in said petition, begin as above, and run south twenty-one miles; thence south, twenty-three degrees east four miles; thence east twenty-five miles; thence north twenty-three degrees west four miles; thence due north twenty-one miles, to the north boundary line of this state; then west with the same to the beginning.

SEC. 9. That the first court to be held for the county of Overton, shall be held at the house of Benjamin Totton, and all subsequent courts until altered by law, shall have and exercise similar powers with any other county court in this state.

SEC. 10. That all elections for members of the General Assembly, the governor, and members of congress, shall be held at the court house, or place of holding court in said county, on the days on which elections for such purposes are authorised to be held; and the sheriff of the county of Overton, shall meet the sheriff of Jackson county, at the court house of said county of Jackson, on the succeeding Monday, and with him examine the respective polls of election for both counties, and declare the person who may have the greatest number of votes duly elected to the General Assembly, and give certificates accordingly; and it shall be the duty of said sheriff, to transmit a statement of said polls of election for governor and members of congress, to the speaker of the senate, in the same manner as directed by law.

SEC. 11. That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of the county of Overton, to hold an election at the place of holding court, on the first Thursday and succeeding day in February next, for the purpose of electing one colonel and two majors for said county, under the rules, regulations and restrictions, as are prescribed by law for the election of such officers.

SEC. 12. That the election for company officers for said county, shall be held at their respective muster grounds, on the third Thursday in February next, in the same manner and form as is appointed by law for electing company militia officers.

SEC. 13. That it shall be lawful for the sheriff of Jackson county, to collect the taxes for the year eighteen hundred and six, and all arrearages of taxes for any preceding year, and in the same manner, and with as full authority, as if this law had never been passed.

SEC. 14. That the county of Overton shall be in all cases whatsoever, considered as part of the district of Winchester.

Passed: September 11, 1806.