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Acts of 1804 Chapter 39

SECTION 1.  That Robert Dunning, Sterling Brewer, John Davidson, Montgomery Bell, and George Clark, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to fix on the most central and suitable situation, having due regard to good water, for the erecting of a court house, prison and stocks in said county of Dickson, whose duty it shall be to purchase forty acres of land on the most reasonable terms, having regard to situation and water, on some part of which shall be erected the court house, prison and stocks for said county; and the said commissioners or a majority of them, shall take a deed in fee simple, in trust for the county, to themselves and their successors in office, for the use and benefit aforesaid, and shall, as soon as may be, after purchasing and obtaining a title thereto, proceed to lay off a town, to be called and known by the name of Charlotte, reserving two acres for public uses, in or near the centre thereof; which two acres shall be the public square.

SECTION 2.  That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are required to advertise and sell the lots in said town, to the highest bidder, on a credit of four and nine months, taking bond and sufficient security for the purchase money, payable to themselves and their successors in office, to and for the use of said county, which shall be good and valid in law, to all intents and purposes whatever; and the money arising from the sale of said lots, shall be applied to the payment of the land by them purchased as aforesaid, and the residue thereof, to the building of the said court house, prison and stock; and they are hereby authorized and required to contract for the building of said court house, prison and stocks, first advertising the same in the Tennessee Gazette, published at Nashville, at least two months and at the most public places in the said county of Dickson.

SECTION 3.  That in case there shall not be money sufficient arising from the sale of lots, after paying for the land so purchased, the said county court of Dickson shall, and they are hereby declared to have power to lay and collect a tax, not exceeding twelve and one half cents on each hundred acres of land, six and one fourth cents on each white poll, twelve and one half cents on each black poll, one dollar on each stud horse kept for mares, five dollars on each retail store, five dollars on each pedlar and hawker, and twenty five cents on each town lot.

SECTION 4.  That the said commissioners or a majority of them shall, before they enter on the duties assigned them by this act, enter into bond with approved security, in the sum of five thousand dollars, payable to the chairman of the court of said county, and his successor in office, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties enjoined on them by this act.

SECTION 5.  That the said Commissioners, shall keep a fair statement of all the money they received and expended; which statement when required, shall be laid before the court of said county.

SECTION 6.  That it shall be the duty of the sheriff of said county of Dickson, as soon as he shall be furnished with a copy of this act, to notify the said commissioners of their appointments, requiring them to attend the county court, next following such notification, for the purpose of entering on the duties of their appointment; and in case any of them shall fail to attend agreeable to such notification, for the purpose of entering on the duties of their appointment; and in case any of them shall fail to attend agreeable to such notification, they shall, as soon as may be thereafter, assemble themselves at the then place of holding court, and proceed to the duties herein required, which duties shall be entered on in the presence of three justices of said county.

SECTION 7.  That in case of death, or refusal to act, of a sufficient number of the commissioners herein appointed to do business, it shall be the duty of the court to fill such vacancies on the second day of the court next succeeding the time such vacancies shall happen.

SECTION 8.  When the buildings aforesaid are completed, the said commissioners shall lay a fair statement of the money by them received and expended for the purposes aforesaid, before the court of said county; who shall allow the said commissioners a reasonable compensation for their services, provided two thirds of the justices of said county be present; and if there be any surplus money in the hands of the commissioners, it shall be paid to the county trustee, for the use of the county.

Passed:  August 3, 1804.