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Acts of 1803 Chapter 70

SECTION 1. That the counties of Davidson and Williamson be divided by a line as
follows: Beginning on the Williamson line, on the extreme height of the ridge dividing the
waters of Mill Creek from those of Stone's River; thence with that ridge a southwardly direction
to the eastern boundary line of said Williamson county; thence with said line south to the south
boundary of this state; thence with the boundary of the State, east to the corner of Wilson County;
thence with the Wilson county line north to the corner of said county; thence with the line of said
county north fifty one and a half degrees west to the southwest corner of said Wilson county;
thence a direct course to the mouth of Sugg's Creek; thence a direct line to the beginning. And
the county so laid off on the east and southeast on the waters of Stone's river, agreeably to the
above described lines, be known and distinguished by the name of Rutherford.

COMPILER'S NOTE: Section 2 concerned administration of Rutherford County. Section 3
allowed the sheriff or collector of the taxes of Davidson or Williamson Counties to collect the
taxes due to the their counties prior to the passage of this Act.

Passed: October 25, 1803.