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Acts of 1801 Chapter 51

SECTION 1. That from and after the passing of this act the bounds and limits of Montgomery county shall be as follows, viz. Beginning one hundred and fifty yards east of captain Joseph Woolfork's house, on the Sulphor fork, thence south to the _________ of captain James Holmes, thence east to a point twelve and a half miles east of the meridian of the court house in the town of Clarksville, thence south to a point twenty-five miles south of the Kentucky line, thence west to the Indian boundary line, thence with said boundary line to the Kentucky line aforesaid, thence with said line east to a point, from which a due south course will strike the beginning.

SECTION 2. That Henry Johnson and Benjamin Weakley, or either of them, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners to run and mark the lines which shall divide Montgomery from Robertson county, who shall be allowed the sum of two dollars per day each, and the chain carrier and marker one dollar per day each, for every day they shall be necessarily employed in running said lines, to be paid by the county of Montgomery.

SECTION 3. That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the Sheriff of Robertson county from collecting the taxes now due from the inhabitants who shall fall into Montgomery county, nor the Sheriff of Montgomery county from collecting the taxes due from those who may fall into Robertson county, by virtue of this act.

Passed: October 29, 1801.