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Acts of 1801 Chapter 37

SECTION 1. That the bounds of Jackson county shall be as follows. (viz) Beginning at the north east corner of said county, on the state line, thence east with said line to the north west corner of Anderson county, thence along the western boundary of the counties of Anderson and Roane, to the southern boundary of the state, thence westward with said line to a point, from which a due north line will strike the south east corner of said county; and that the counties of Smith, Wilson, Davidson, Williamson and Robertson, shall be extended from the southwest and southeastern corners due south to the southern boundary of the state, and that the county of Montgomery shall be extended from the north west corner, thence down the river Mississippi to the south west angle of this state, thence east, with the southern boundary line of the same, to the south west corner of Robertson county, thence north, with the western boundary line of Robertson county aforesaid, to the northern boundary of this state, thence west, to the beginning.

SECTION 2. That nothing in this act contained, shall be so construed as to authorize any person whatever, to violate the laws of the United States, as it relates to such parts of the said counties lying within the Indian boundary. Provided nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed, as to authorize the sheriff of either of the aforesaid counties, to levy execution to sell any real property lying within the Indian boundary, until the same is extinguished, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

Passed: November 14, 1801.