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Acts of 1786 Chapter 32

SECTION 1.  That from and after the passing of this Act, the said County of Davidson, be divided by a Line beginning where the County Line crosses the West Fork of Stone's River, down the same to the Junction with the Main Stone's River, thence a direct Line to the Mouth of Drake's Lick Creek, thence down Cumberland River to the Mouth of Raspus Creek, thence up the said Creek to the Head of the War-Trace Fork, thence a Northwardly Course to the Virginia Line, at a point that will leave Red River, old Station, one mile to the East; and all that part of Davidson that lies to the West of the said Line, shall continue and remain the County of Davidson; and all that Part of the said County of Davidson that lies East of the said dividing Line, shall thenceforth be erected into a new and distinct County by the Name of Sumner.

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The remaining sections of this act related to Sumner County or to a subject other than boundaries and are not reprinted.