General Departmental Instructor .
Each sheriff’s office that conducts a 40-hour in-service training course is required to designate one training officer who meets the POST Commission general departmental instructor standards for certification. The training officer who is designated as the general departmental instructor must apply for and be certified as a general departmental instructor as defined in Rule 1110-3-.04(3) of the Rules of the Tennessee Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission. The general departmental instructor is responsible for coordinating in-service training programs and developing lesson plans, goals and objectives, and may be required to instruct in more than one subject area. Rules of the Tennessee Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission, Rule 1110-4-.03.
Instructors used for in-service training sessions must be approved by the general department instructor and must be qualified by experience and training. Rules of the Tennessee Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission, Rule 1110-4-.04.
In-Service Training
The general departmental instructor and all training officers are required to attend a POST Commission workshop at a time and place determined by the POST Commission and the Tennessee Law Enforcement Training Officer Association as part of their annual in-service training requirement for training officers. Rules of the Tennessee Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission, Rule 1110-4-.03.