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Title 5, Chapter 19

Counties are authorized to provide garbage and rubbish collection and disposal services to the entire county or to special districts within the county and are also granted the power to do all things necessary to carry out these functions.  T.C.A. §§ 5-19-101, 5-19-107.  This authority is exercised through resolution by the county legislative body and carried out by an existing agency, a county sanitation department, or a county board of sanitation appointed by the county mayor and confirmed by the county legislative body.  Also, a county may contract with a private company or another governmental entity to provide these services for county residents. T.C.A. § 5-19-104.  If a municipality within the county furnishes garbage (solid waste) collection and disposal services, the county must establish service districts outside the municipality to fund this county service if the property tax is a source of funding for the county solid waste services.  T.C.A. § 5-19-108. If the county services are provided within special service districts, they are funded by user fees, or a property tax levied only within the district served, or a combination of the two.  T.C.A. §5-19-109. Plans for collection and disposal services must be submitted to the regional planning commission for study before they are carried out.  T.C.A. § 5-19-112.  The county must inspect these facilities at least once every quarter, and the commissioner of health may also investigate and make recommendations for improvement.  T.C.A. §§ 5-19-113, 5-19-114.