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Problem Wastes

Certain substances are no longer to be placed in a landfill but are to be disposed of through alternative methods.  Among these is household hazardous waste.  To provide for the safe collection of these household hazardous wastes, the Department of Environment and Conservation must provide, directly or by contract, for the collection of such wastes on designated days in each county.  The county or authority is responsible for advertising the location of these units, the days and hours on which they will be available, and examples of hazardous household wastes.  Furthermore, the county or solid waste authority must appoint at least one person to represent the county or authority to be present at the site on collection days in order to assist those operating the mobile collection unit. T.C.A. § 68-211-829.  Depending on a county's population, competitive grants may be available for a permanent household hazardous waste collection site.  T.C.A. § 68-211-828.

Other examples of wastes prohibited at landfills include whole waste tires, lead-acid batteries, and used oil, all of which will no longer be accepted at any solid waste disposal facility or incinerator.  Each county must provide at least one site to receive and store these materials. T.C.A. § 68-211-866. Whole waste tires may not be placed in a landfill. T.C.A. § 68-211-867.