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Litter Grant Program

The commissioner of transportation is authorized to make grants to the several counties of the state, either through the office of sheriff or that of the county mayor or other appropriate official, for the purpose of funding programs to collect litter and trash along county, state and interstate roads and highways within the respective counties. Such grants may provide for the use of labor of prisoners sentenced to the county workhouse, and may fund expenses including, but not limited to, salaries, administration and the purchase, maintenance and operation of equipment. Not more than 10 percent of the funds awarded by a grant under T.C.A. § 41-2-123(c) shall be expended to advertise or promote a litter and trash collection program, and no part of such funds shall be used to purchase supplies, materials or equipment displaying the name or likeness of the administrator of such program or of any other individual. Local county officials and other recipients may submit applications outlining a plan for litter abatement that may include recycling programs to the Department of Transportation. All applications shall be subject to prior review and approval by the governor or designated agent. T.C.A. § 41-2-123(c).