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Public Acts of 1977 Chapter 377

COMPILER'S NOTE: This is special legislation and is not codified in the Tennessee Code Annotated.

SECTION 1. There is hereby created an office of full-time Assistant District Attorney General for the Second Judicial Circuit. The District Attorney General for the Second Judicial Circuit shall appoint a suitable person to such office, said person to serve at the pleasure of the District Attorney General.

SECTION 2. The person so appointed to serve as Assistant District Attorney General shall be admitted to the practice of law in the State of Tennessee, and shall, upon his or her appointment execute the Affidavit of Intent required of full-time Assistant District Attorneys General by the provisions of Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 8-708.

SECTION 3. The person appointed to serve as Assistant District Attorney General under the provisions of this act shall perform such duties as may be required by the District Attorney General in the carrying out of the duties of the office of District Attorney General.

SECTION 4. The person appointed to serve as Assistant District Attorney General under the provisions of this act shall be compensated as a full-time Assistant District Attorney General as provided for by general law.

SECTION 5. This act shall take effect on becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: May 16, 1977.