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Public Acts of 1893 Chapter 3

SECTION 1.  That the line between the counties of Carroll and Henderson be changed to run as follows:  Beginning in the center of Giffin's Creek with W. A. Holder's east boundary line; thence up, and following the meanderings of Giffin's Creek to C. F. McHany's west boundary line; with C. F. McHany's west boundary line back to the said creek; thence up center said creek to Sim Barkham's east boundary line to York's Creek; thence up center of York's Creek to the county line, containing about seven hundred and fifty (750) acres, and including the lands of C. A. Gates, E. E. Williamson, W. A. Holder, G. W. Lovell, M. C. Lanier, and M. E. Jones, L. R. Burroughs, Sim Barkham, Ranking and Williamson, W. N. Holmes in Carroll County.

SECTION 2.  That this act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  February 9, 1893.