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Private Acts of 1961 Chapter 43

SECTION 1.  That the existing four (4) civil districts of Clay County, Tennessee be and the same are hereby abolished, and in lieu thereof there are hereby created eight (8) civil districts the boundaries of which shall be as follows:

(A)  With respect to the existing First Civil District, beginning at a stake in the Richville and Brimstone Road where said road enters the existing Second District, thence northward with said road to a stake at the intersection of this road and the Turkey Creek Road, thence a straight line northeasterly, from this point to a stake at the intersection of the New Hope Road and Liberty Hill Road, with same straight line extending northeastwardly to a stake in the Kentucky line, thence east with the Kentucky line to the Cumberland River, thence down the Cumberland River to where the existing Third Civil District crosses the Cumberland River, thence with the existing Third District line to a stake where the existing First, Second and Third Districts corner, thence with the existing Second District line to the beginning point, said boundaries to contain what shall be known as District No. Five.

The remainder of the existing district shall be known as District No. One.

(B) With respect to the existing Second Civil District, beginning where Browning Creek enters Jackson County, running northward to where Willmore Short Road intersects Union Hill and Miles Roads, thence northwest to the forks of Trace Creek and Pursley Creek, thence with Trace Creek to Highway 52, thence northward to where Clementsville Road enters Kentucky, said line to be the boundary between the new Second and Sixth Districts.

That portion of the existing Second District to the west of said line shall be known as the new Second District, and that portion to the east of said line shall be known as the new Sixth District.

(C) With respect to the existing Third District, beginning at a stake where Dale Hollow Reservation leaves Highway 53 (near the top of Cedar Hill), thence north with Highway 53 to a stake where the J. W. Stone Road enters Highway 53, thence westerly one thousand (1,000) feet with the J. W. Stone Road to a stake in said road, thence northwardly a straight line to a stake at the Key Cemetery (near Mrs. Franklin Killmon's residence), thence northwesterly to a stake at the top of the Neely Creek Hill in the Neely Creek to Pea Ridge Road, thence northwardly to a stake at the Kentucky line where Slop Hollow Branch enters Kentucky, thence eastward with the Kentucky Line to Dale Hollow Lake, thence with the western shore of Dale Hollow Lake to a stake in the Dale Hollow shore line directly south of the beginning point, thence northward to the a beginning point, such boundaries to enclose what shall be known as the new District No. Seven.

The remainder of the existing Third District shall be the new District No. 3.

(D) With respect to the existing Fourth District, beginning at a point where Irons Creek enters Dale Hollow Lake, up Irons Creek to the head of the left fork of Irons Creek, thence south to a stake in the Overton County line, thence westerly with the Overton County line to Dale Hollow Lake, thence with said lake to the beginning point, such boundaries to enclose what shall be known as the new Eighth District.

The remainder of the existing Fourth District shall constitute the new Fourth District.

SECTION 2.  That there are hereby named to serve as justices of peace, in addition to those presently serving, the following:  For the First District, H. T. Melton; for the Fifth District, C. D. Reecer; for the Seventh District, J. T. Colson and Waymon Estep; for the Fourth District, Sid Mabry; for the Eighth District, E. E. Chilton; for the Second District, Claude Browning; for the Sixth District, Gurvis Smith.

SECTION 3.  That there are hereby named the following additional constables:  For the Fifth District, Roscoe Boles; for the Seventh District, Brance Scott; for the Eighth District, Rad Collins; for the Second District, Lynn Spivey.

SECTION 4.  That all present justices of the peace and all present constables shall until their terms of office expire represent the new Civil District in which they reside.

SECTION 5.  That those persons appointed as justices of the peace and constables by this Act shall serve until September 1, 1962, and their successors shall be elected in the August General Election of 1962.  Any vacancies occurring prior to that time shall be filled as now provided by law.

SECTION 6.  That the constitution of the School Board of Clay County, as provided for in Chapter 330 of the Private Acts of 1947, shall remain undisturbed by the present Act.

SECTION 7.  That this Act shall be of no effect unless and until it shall be approved by a majority of qualified voters voting in a referendum to be held in Clay County on March 23, 1961.  Its approval or rejection in said referendum shall be certified by the Clay County Election Commission to the Secretary of State.

Passed:  February 13, 1961.