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Private Acts of 1949 Chapter 667

SECTION 1.  That it shall be the duty of the Tax Assessor of DeKalb County, Tennessee, to keep an accurate account of all real estate transfers placed on record in the County Register's office, and make the records in his office conform and comply with the real estate transfers as reflected in the Register's office.  It being the intent and purpose of this Act that the records in the Tax Assessor's office shall at all times be current with realty transfers of property in said County. It shall be the further duty of the said Tax Assessor to check the records of the realty transfers in the County Register's office at least twice a month.

That the tax books and records of the Tax Assessor shall at all times be kept and remain in the County Trustee's office in order that the same may be available for inspection by the public.

That for the period beginning January 10th and until the 1st day of May of each year, it shall be the further duty of the Tax Assessor or his designated representatives to be present at the County Trustee's office during regular office hours on each Saturday during this period in order that he may be contacted or consulted by any property owners of said County.

SECTION 2.  That for the additional duties imposed hereunder said Tax Assessor shall receive the sum of $500.00 per annum, payable in equal quarterly installments out of the General Fund of the County.  This compensation shall be in addition to the compensation which he now receives as Tax Assessor.  However, it being the further intent and purpose of the Legislature that should said Tax Assessor fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of this Act, he shall forfeit all compensation as provided for hereunder.

SECTION 3.  That this Act shall take effect from and after April 15, 1949, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  April 7, 1949.