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Private Acts of 1941 Chapter 205

COMPILER'S NOTE: See also T.C.A. 49-6-2101 for general state law concerning the power of County Boards to provide transportation.

SECTION 1. That all County Boards of Education in all the Counties of the State having a population of not less than 12,035 nor more than 12,045, according to the Federal Census of 1930 or any subsequent Federal Census, be and the same are hereby empowered to make contracts for the conveyance of the public school pupils of said Counties to and from the public schools of same for a period of time not exceeding three years if so desired by such Boards; provided funds are made available each year for such transportation.

SECTION 2. That such contracts shall not be entered into until the Boards of Education of said Counties shall have first advertised for sealed bids for same for at least thirty days before any such contracts shall be entered into, reserving the right to reject any and all bids, at their discretion, and if none of the bids are satisfactory, these said Boards may enter into such contracts without further advertising for bids, provided they are able to contract with good, responsible parties on better terms than offered in such bidding.

SECTION 3. That before any such contract for such conveyances shall become valid and binding, the County Boards of Education shall require of each person so employed under such contracts to enter into a bond with good and solvent securities for the full amount of his such contract to convey all pupils on his route in a careful and as far as possible safe manner, and to keep his bus or vehicle used in such conveyance in good repair, and up to the standard as the State public school authorities shall prescribed, and to obey all rules and regulations of the County Board of Education of his County shall adopt or prescribe. And on the failure of anyone, so contracting to carry out his such contract, he may be dismissed by the County Board of Education employing him or their successors in office, after due notice is given him and an opportunity given him to be heard.

SECTION 4. That it shall be the duty of such County Boards of Education to examine all such buses or vehicles periodically and if they find any bus or vehicle used in the transportation of public school pupils that does not come up to the requirement and is not in a good, safe condition, they shall at once notify, in writing, the owner or operator of such bus or vehicle, and shall require of such owner or operator that he proceed, at once, to have such defect remedied, and on his failure to do so, then within a reasonable time, after receiving such notice he shall be dismissed from service, and his contract declared null and void, and the Board may proceed at once to employ someone else to take his place.

SECTION 5. That this Act take effect from and after July 1, 1941, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: February 5, 1941.