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Private Acts of 1935 Chapter 440

SECTION 1. That the First Civil District of Monroe County, Tennessee, shall be and it is hereby divided into three voting precincts, each preninct (precinct*) to have separate ballot box, and election officers who shall hold elections within the respective precincts, and the commissioners of elections shall hereafter appoint election officials from within each respective precinct to hold elections therein.

SEC. 2. That the first precinct of said District shall consist of that portion of the District lying West of the Southern Railway and North and East of a line beginning where the Southern Railway right-of-way intersects Morris Street, thence with Morris Street, in the Town of Sweetwater, in a Northwesterly direction to Price Street, thence in a Northeasterly direction with Price Street to Oakland Road, thence in a Northwesterly direction with Oakland Road to the Pond Creek Road, thence with the Pond Creek Road in a Northeasterly direction, passing the property of John Scott, the Loudon County line.

The second precinct of the said District shall consist of that portion of the District lying West of the Southern Railway and South and West of the line hereinabove designated. The third precinct of the said district shall consist of that portion of the District lying East and South of the Southern Railway.

SEC. 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

SEC. 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed: April 12, 1935.