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Private Acts of 1929 (Extra Session) Chapter 4

SECTION 1.  That Section 6, Chapter 115, Public Acts of the General Assembly of Tennessee of 1925, known as the General Educational Law, the caption of which is set forth in the caption hereof, be and the same is hereby amended so as to insert at the end of the paragraph thereof ending with the words "removal from the county" on page 323 of the public printed Acts of said General Assembly and just preceding the sentence of said page reading, "It shall be the duty of the Court Board of Education," and to provide the following: 

Provided, That in Counties of the State having a population of not less than 10,240 and not more than 10,242, according to the Federal Census of 1920 or any subsequent Federal Census, the following shall obtain with respect to the composition, number, time and method of selecting, qualifications and certain of the duties of the County Boards of Education and the members thereof.

1. The County Board of Education shall be composed of fifteen (15) members, one (1) from, and elected by qualified voters of, each of the 15 Civil Districts.

2. Each member of said County Board of Education shall be not under 21 years of age and a citizen and resident of the Civil District from which he or she is elected.

3. At the regular August election, 1930, and every two years thereafter there shall be elected by the qualified voters of each of the fifteen civil districts of said counties a member of the County Board of Education who, before entering upon the duties of their offices, shall qualify by taking and subscribing to the oath required by law, and who shall hold their respective offices for a period of two years, or until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified.

4. The first County Board of Education under this Act shall be composed of the following:

                        Clark Barton, from the 1st Civil District

                        A. A. Tenpenny, from the 2nd Civil District

                        Ray Paschal, from the 3rd Civil District

                        Calvin Curlee, from 4th Civil District

                        Tom Parker, from the 5th Civil District

                        G. S. Smith, from the 6th Civil District

                        John Gilley, from the 7th Civil District       

                        H. C. Mears, from the 8th Civil District

                        Shelah Wood, from the 9th Civil District

                        Clyde Hall, from the 10th Civil District

                        Earl McAdoo, from the 11th Civil District

                        James Caffy, from the 12th Civil District

                        Bob Parker, from the 13th Civil District

                        O. B. Alexander, from the 14th Civil District

                        Hall Markum, from the 15th Civil District

who shall qualify by taking and subscribing to the oath required by law and enter upon the duties of their offices and hold the same until the next regular August election in 1930, or until their respective successors in office are duly elected and qualified.

5. All vacancies hereafter occurring on the Board shall be filled by special election by the qualified voters of the particular civil district, or districts, in which same exists, or exist.

6. Special meetings of the Board shall be called by the Chairman thereof upon and according to the written request of a majority of Board members and may be called at any other time when, in the judgement of the Chairman, the interests of the public schools require it.  Provided, That it shall be the duty of the Chairman and Secretary to notify all members of the Board of the time, place, and purpose of any and all special, or called, meeting by at least twenty-four hours' written notice served upon or left with, or at the places of residence of, all members or, unless the request for the special meeting otherwise suggests, by publishing the same in some newspaper published in the county for not less than five days.  Provided further, That no compensation shall be paid to, or received by, any member of said Board for, or on account of attending any special or called meeting of the Board.

SECTION 2.  That the County Boards of Education as now exist in Counties of the State to which this Act applies, be and the same are hereby abolished.

SECTION 3.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

SECTION 4.  That if any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Act is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional it shall affect the validity of the other or remaining portions hereof, and it is declared by the Legislature that it would have passed this Act and each of the parts, sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses and phrases hereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional.

SECTION 5. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  December 9, 1929.