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Private Acts of 1857-58 Chapter 129

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The first seven sections of this Act did not concern DeKalb County and are not published herein.

SECTION 8.  That the county line between the counties of DeKalb and Putnam, be so changed as to run as follows, to wit:  Beginning on the line between said counties, on the top of a large ridge, near Gordon Maxwell's; running with said ridge, a northwest direction, to the Caney Fork River below Joseph Mitchell's; thence up said river to the old line; and that the territory and citizens in said amended boundary be attached to the 16th Civil District of DeKalb county; and that said citizens have all the rights and privileges of other citizens of said county of DeKalb.  That all the tax and revenue due from said citizens to the county of Putnam, for the year 1858, shall be paid to the revenue collector of Putnam county:  Provided, the property of said persons, included in said portion detached from the county of Putnam and attached to the county of DeKalb, shall be given in to the revenue Commissioner, of the county of Putnam, for and during the term of five years from this time, and the tax thereon shall be assessed against them in the county of Putnam; and the tax collector for said county of Putnam shall have the right to collect the same.

SECTION 9.  That this act shall take effect from its passage.

Passed:  March 15, 1858.