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Acts of 1903 Chapter 235

SECTION 1.  That the First, Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Civil Districts of Campbell County, as the same have heretofore and up to this time been constituted and existed, be and the same are hereby abolished.

SEC. 2.  That the territory heretofore and up to this time embraced in the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Civil Districts of said county be and the same is hereby attached to what has heretofore and up to this time been the Fifth Civil District of said county, and that the combined territory be hereafter known and nominated the First Civil District of said county; that the territory heretofore and up to this time embraced in the First Civil District of said county be and the same is hereby attached to what has heretofore and up to this time been the Second Civil District, and that the said combined territory be hereafter known and nominated the Second Civil District of said county; that the territory heretofore and up to this time embraced in the Third and Fourteenth Civil Districts of said county be and the same is hereby attached to what has heretofore and up to this time been the Fourth Civil District of said county, and that said combined territory be hereafter known and nominated the Third Civil District of said county that the territory heretofore and up to this time embraced in the Ninth, Twelfth and Thirteenth Civil Districts of said county be and the same is hereby attached to what has heretofore and up to this time been the Eleventh Civil District of said county, and that the said combined territory be hereafter known and nominated the Fourth Civil District of said county; that the territory heretofore and up to the time embraced in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Civil Districts of said county be and the same is hereby attached to what has heretofore and up to this time been the Tenth Civil District of said county, and that the said combined territory be hereafter known and nominated the Fifth Civil District of said county.

SEC. 3.  That no civil district in excess of the number five hereby created out of any of the territory of said county shall be established or created unless by Act of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee.

SEC. 4.  That from and after this date the office of Justice of the Peace, of constable and school directors in what has heretofore and up to this time been the First, Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Sixteenth Civil Districts of Campbell County, heretofore abolished, be and the same are hereby abolished and shall cease to exist, and that the justices, constables and school directors of the districts abolished by this Act shall turn over the books and papers pertaining to their offices to the justices in the districts to which they are attached.

SEC. 5.  That the following places be designated for holding elections in the districts herein established:  In the First District at LaFollette, Fincastle, Well Spring and Forge Chapel; in the Second District at Baker's Forge, Walnut Grove and Hatmaker; in the Third District at Jacksboro, Careyville, Block, Lindsay's Mills, Better Chance and Beach Fork; in the Fourth District at Lowes, Pioneer and Elk Valley; in the Fifth District at Newcomb, Jellico and Falls of White Oak; that all elections hereafter had, to be held at the places hereinabove designated.

SEC. 6.  That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed.

SEC. 7.  That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.

Passed:  March 24, 1903.