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Acts of 1853-54 Chapter 320

COMPILER'S NOTE: The prior sections of this act did not concern Anderson County and are, therefore, not printed here.

SECTION 25. That the dividing line between the counties of Anderson and Scott be changed as follows: To leave new river at two white walnuts on the north bank of said river, at the mouth of a hollow in William Massingill's field; thence up said hollow to the top of the mountain, which divides the waters of said river from the waters of Smoky Creek, north eighty, west 160 poles; thence along the top of said mountain due west 320 poles, to a white oak, James McGee's west corner; thence south 30, west 600 poles, with the top of the mountain, passing Lowe's Gap; thence south 80, west 500 poles with the top of the mountain to intersect with the old line near the head of the Straight Fork; thence with said line to new river; thence down the same to the beginning.

Passed: February 11, 1854.