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Acts of 1853-54 Chapter 129

SECTION 1.  That the following shall be the dividing line between the county of Campbell on the one side, and the counties of Anderson and Scott on the other-- to-wit:  Beginning at a point on New river, a short distance above William Mussengill's, where the present Scott county line crosses said New river; running thence up New river to a point on the east bank of New river, opposite to Solomon Dherty's; thence to the Coal gap, in such a direction as to leave the waters of the Beech fork in Campbell connty [sic], and to leave Banister Vowel's residence in Anderson county; running thence on the south side of the mountain, in which the said Coal gap occurs, to the present residence of the Cokers', including the said Cokers in Campbell county; thence a direct line to a point in the former line between Campbell and Anderson counties, near the residence of Paul Harmor, so as to leave said Harmor in Anderson county.  Provided, that if either of the counties of Anderson and Campbell desire to have a survey of the line laid off in this act, they shall be entitled thereto and the county of Campbell shall defray all expenses incident to said survey.

SEC. 2.  That the dividing line between the counties of Claibourne [sic] and Campbell shall be as follows:  Beginning on the top of Cumberland mountain, where the county line now crosses the same; thence northward to the top of the dividing ridge, between White Oak and Taskett Creek to the Clearfork, at or near the old Hunter place; thence north to the Kentucky line.

Passed,  February 20, 1854.