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Acts of 1845-46 Chapter 62

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The first six (6) sections of this act have no application to Henderson County and are omitted from this compilation.

SECTION 7.  That the within described territory of the county of Henderson be attached to the county of Decatur as established by this Legislature, [viz.] Beginning at the north east corner of Henderson County, thence west 2½ miles with the line between Carroll and Henderson counties, thence south to the Hardin County line, thence east with the line between Hardin and Henderson counties to Decatur county, thence north with the line between Decatur and Henderson counties to the beginning.

SECTION 8.  That Abraham Dereberry, Uzzell Hawkins and Samuel Moreland, or any of them, after giving at least 20 days notice in at least six places in the territory proposed to be attached, shall open and hold elections, or appoint some persons to hold the same at the house of Abraham Dereberry, and at the house of Samuel Moreland, and all legal voters within said territory, may vote for or against being attached to Decatur county, those in favor of being attached shall have on their tickets "Decatur County;" and those opposed shall have on their tickets "Henderson County;"  and if a majority of the qualified voters vote in favor of being attached, then and in that case it shall be and constitute a part of Decatur county.  And it shall be the duty of said surveyor to certify the result, and make return the Chairman of the county court of Henderson County, and also to the Chairman of Decatur County, which shall be entered upon the records of each county; and said territory shall be entered upon the records of each county; and said territory shall be organized into two civil districts, under the regulations of the county court of Decatur, or attached to the several civil districts, in Decatur county adjoining.  And said citizens shall have all the rights and privileges of citizens of Decatur county.

SECTION 9.  That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to reduce the county of Henderson to less than her constitutional limits.  And provided further, That the counties of Decatur and Perry, be organized, otherwise this amendment shall be null and void, so far as relates to the county of Henderson.

SECTION 10.  That the commissioners herein appointed, shall have power to employ some competent surveyor (if necessary) to run out and mark the lines, to be paid by the citizens attached to Decatur County.

Passed:  January 15, 1846.