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Acts of 1845-46 Chapter 134

That so much of the county of Coffee as is hereinafter designated, be and the same is hereby attached to the county of Grundy, viz: Beginning on the top of the Cumberland mountain, on the Grundy county line; thence west down the old bush Gap-ridge to the old Coffee county line; thence with the old Coffee line to Street's old place; thence to the mouth of Bradley's Creek; thence up Elk river to a stake on the south side of said river; thence to the Grundy county line, so as to include the territory taken off the county of Franklin, in the year 1837, and annexed to the county of Coffee, and the line that divided Franklin county and Coffee county now be the dividing line between Coffee county and Grundy county, and that all officers both military and civil, hold their offices until others are elected.

Passed:  January 30, 1846.