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Acts of 1823 Chapter 145

SECTION 1.  That the territory west of Madison shall be, and is hereby, created into a county, to be called Haywood, which shall be bounded by the same lines as are pointed out in the act of one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, establishing the boundaries of said territory.

COMPILER'S NOTE:  The description referred to in Section One, above, is contained in the Acts of 1821, Chapter 32, Section 6, which is published on the following page.

SECTION 2.  That for the due administration of justice in said county, the courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, and circuit courts, shall be holden at the house of Richard Nixon, until otherwise provided for by law, and shall possess and exercise all the powers and privileges of other county and circuit courts in this state.

SECTION 3.  That the sheriff of said county shall, on the first Thursday and Friday of April next, open and hold an election for the purpose of choosing field officers for the regiment composed of the militia of said county; which shall compose the __________ regiment, and shall be attached to the _____________ brigade.

SECTION 4.  That this act shall take effect, and be in force, from and after the first day of January next.

Passed:  November 3, 1823.