SECTION 1. That a new county be and is hereby established on the south of Stuart, and adjoining the counties of Dickson and Hickman on the west, to be known by the name of HUMPHREYS; bounded as follows, (to wit) Beginning at the mouth of White Oak creek, on the bank of the Tennessee river, thence east to the dividing ridge between the waters of Tennessee and Cumberland rivers, thence with the said dividing ridge to Dickson county line, thence with said line to the line of Hickman, and thence with said line of Hickman to Duck river, thence south and west for compliment.
SECTION 2. That the first court, and all subsequent courts, of said county of Humphreys, shall be held at the house of Samuel Parker, Junior, until otherwise altered or provided for by law. And all courts held in and for said county of Humphreys shall be held by commissions to the said justices in the same manner and under the same rules and restrictions, and shall have and exercise the same powers and jurisdiction as are or shall be prescribed for the courts of the several counties in this state.
SECTION 3. That the first court of pleas and quarter sessions held for the county of Humphreys, shall commence and be held on the first Monday of February, May, August and November, in each and every year, and may be held six judicial days if necessary.
SECTION 4. That it shall be the duty of the Sheriff of the said county of Humphreys to hold an election at the place of holding courts in the same, on the second Thursday and succeeding day in February next, for the purpose of electing one colonel and two majors for the said county of Humphreys, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as are prescribed by law in similar cases; and that the militia of the said county of Humphreys shall compose the thirty eighth regiment of this state, and shall be a part of the fifth brigade.
SECTION 5. That the elections for company officers for the county Humphreys, shall be held at such places as the commandant of said county may think proper to appoint, which said elections shall be held on the third Saturday in March next, under the same rules, regulations and restrictions as are prescribed in like cases; and elections of members of the General Assembly, Governor and members of Congress, and electors to elect a President and Vice-President of the United States, shall be held at the place of holding courts in said county of Humphreys, on the same days on which elections for the same purpose are authorized to be held; and the Sheriff of said county of Humphreys shall meet the Sheriff of Stuart County, on the succeeding day at Rostin, or place of holding a separate election in Stuart county, and with him the Sheriff of Stuart county shall examine the respective polls of election for both counties, and the said Sheriff of Stuart county shall make the returns of both counties as he is bound by law to make, to the Sheriff of Montgomery.
SECTION 6. That the county of Humphreys shall in all cases be considered as a part of the district of Robertson.
SECTION 7. That it shall and may be lawful for any judge of the superior court, or any justice of the peace in this state, to attend at the place of holding court in said county of Humphreys, when said county is about to be organized, and administer the oaths of office to the officers thereof.
SECTION 8. That nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent the Sheriff of Stuart County from collecting the taxes that have been already laid in said county, and he is hereby authorized to collect the same, and all arrearages of taxes in the same manner as if said county of Humphreys had not been laid off, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed: October 19, 1809