Private Acts of 1905 Chapter 264
SECTION 1. That the County of Marshall in this State shall hereafter consist and be composed of five Civil Districts instead of Eighteen Civil Districts.
SECTION 2. That said five Civil Districts are established, and constituted, and embraced in the territory or portions of said county, described as follows:
Civil District No. 1 shall embrace, comprise, and include the territory in Civil Districts Nos. 8, 9, and 10 as now established and existing; Civil District No. 2 shall embrace, comprise, and include the territory in Civil Districts Nos. 6, 7, 16, and 11 as now established, and existing; Civil District No. 3 shall embrace, comprise, and include the territory in Civil Districts Nos. 5, 12, and 15, as now established, and existing; Civil District No. 4 shall embrace, comprise, and include the territory in Civil Districts Nos. 13, 14, and 17, as now established and existing; Civil Districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 18, as now established and existing; Provided, however, that all election precincts now established and existing in said county, shall continue and shall be legal election precincts in and for the several Civil Districts of said county as herein and hereby established in which such precincts may be located until changed by lawful authority; Provided further, there may be more than one registration place in each district for the registration of voters, and such additional place or places to be designated by the County Court of said county; and Provided further, that all the several school districts and road districts in said county shall remain as now existing, until changed by lawful authority; and Provided further, that hereafter, in the election of School Directors, there shall be three Directors elected for each school district as now existing, or as may be hereafter created.
SECTION 3. That all laws or parts of law in conflict with this Act be, and are hereby repealed.
SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after July 5, 1906; Provided, that the present Justices of the Peace shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified.
Passed: April 6, 1905.