Health - Historical Notes
The following summaries are included herein for reference purposes.
- Private Acts of 1937 (Ex. Sess.), Chapter 35, recited in the preamble that Bill Dement had been engaged in the drug store business more than fifteen years, had studied pharmacy and was well qualified to fill prescriptions. Dement was also a man of good reputation and moral character and Obion County needed the services of a pharmacist. This Act was the authorization for Dement to practice pharmacy in Obion County without the necessity of being examined for a state license.
- Private Acts of 1969, Chapter 64, would have amended Private Acts of 1949, Chapter 488, by altering the methods, the time, and in some instances, the term of the members of the Board but this Act was rejected by the Obion County Quarterly Court and therefore never became an effective law under the Home Rule Amendment to the State Constitution which requires local approval on the Private Acts before they become law. This Act would have also repealed Private Acts of 1967-68, Chapter 73.
- Private Acts of 1982, Chapter 363, was the authority for the County Legislative Body to sell the real and personal property used for hospital purposes for cash, or on installments not to exceed 20 years at an agreed interest rate and with certain security. This Act did not receive local approval and therefore is not operative law.