Private Acts of 1977 Chapter 18
SECTION 1. There is hereby established the office of Superintendent of Highways for Perry County which office shall be filled by election of the people every four (4) years at the August general election. The term of office shall begin on September 1 following the August general election.
SECTION 2. The Superintendent of Highways shall have full control and charge of all county maintained roads in Perry County and shall have the qualifications, term of office, duties, powers and authority and minimum compensation as provided by "The County Uniform Road Law" as codified in Tennessee Code Annotated, 54-1001 through 54-1017, and as the same may be amended and shall be subject to the same limitations, conditions, prohibitions and punishments as provided in the aforesaid County Uniform Road Law.
SECTION 3. The compensation or salary of said Superintendent may be increased by action of the Quarterly Court. All employees of said Department shall be subject to any system of merit service, and/or job description, and pay classification, as may be adopted by the Superintendent of Highways of Perry County.
SECTION 4. The Superintendent of Highways shall order the payment by the County Trustee by written order of all money collected by taxation or otherwise belonging to the road or bridge fund which has become obligated for the construction, improvement, working or repairing or (sic) roads and bridges. Said orders shall be drawn and signed by the Highway Superintendent. Such orders shall plainly specify (1) the amount to be paid, (2) to whom, (3) for what purpose the expenditure is made; and such orders when so signed and drawn shall be the authority to the trustee to make payments out of the road or bridge fund. The Superintendent of Highways shall make, swear to and file with the county court a quarterly statement which lists all checks issued by him, to whom issued and for what purpose. The county judge shall preserve all of said statement as public records of the county.
SECTION 5. A vacancy in the office of Superintendent of Highways shall be filled by the county court until the next regular August election at which time a successor shall be elected by the people to fulfill the unexpired term or a new term as the case may be.
SECTION 6. Chapter 119, Private Acts of 1957; Chapter 257, Private Acts 1959; Chapter 314, Private Acts 1961; Chapter 41, Private Acts of 1965; Chapter 171, Private Acts of 1965; Chapter 163, Private Acts of 1967; Chapter 363, Private Acts of 1968; Chapter 244, Private Acts of 1970; Chapter 270, Private Acts of 1972; and Chapter 261, Private Acts of 1974 are repealed.
SECTION 7. This Act shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Quarterly County Court of Perry County. Its approval or non-approval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of the court and certified by him to the Secretary of State.
SECTION 8. For the purpose of approving this Act as provided in Section 7 it shall take effect on becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it. For all other purposes, it shall take effect on being approved as provided in Section 7.
Passed: March 30, 1977.