Acts of 1839-40 Chapter 76
SECTION 1. That so much of the county of Stewart as lies within the following described bounds, to wit: beginning at a point where the line between Stewart and Humphreys counties crosses the dividing ridge between White Oak and Turkey creek, at the head of Varner's branch, running thence down said branch to White Oak creek, thence up White Oak creek with its meanders to the mouth of Lewis’ branch, thence up said branch with its meanders to the forks to the same at or near Nimrod Crosswell's, thence up the south fork of the same to the Tennessee ridge, thence along the top of said ridge to where the road leading up the Long branch of White Oak crosses the same, thence a due east course to the line of Dickson county, thence southwardly with said line to the north boundary of Humphreys county, thence with the line dividing Stewart and Humphreys counties to the beginning, be, and the same is hereby attached to the county of Humphreys, and that the citizens included in that portion of Stewart attached to the county of Humphreys shall have and enjoy all the rights and privileges of other citizens of Humphreys county.
SEC. 2. That all civil officers residing in that portion of Stewart county thus attached to the county of Humphreys shall continue in and hold their offices until the next regular election for county officers.
SEC. 3. That Alexander Brown, William O. Gwinn, Elisha Crosswell, William Rye and Alexander Irwin be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners, a majority of whom may act, to superintend the running and marking said line; and they shall have authority to appoint a competent surveyor, whose duty it shall be to run said line and make out two correct plats of said territory, one of which shall be deposited with the county court clerk of Stewart county, and the other with the county court clerk of Humphreys county; said commissioners and surveyors shall be entitled to the same compensation for their services that other persons are entitled to for performing similar services, to be paid out of any money in the hands of the trustee of
Humphreys county not otherwise appropriated.
SEC. 4. That William O. Gwinn, Esq. shall open and hold an election at the house of Alexander Brown, Esq. on the 15th day of February, 1840, after first giving ten days notice by advertisement at two or more public places in the territory above named, and if there be a majority in favor of being attached as provided in the foregoing provisions of this act, then this act shall take effect, and not otherwise.
Passed: January 20th, 1840.