Private Acts of 1915 Chapter 575
COMPILER’S NOTE: Private Acts of 1915, Chapter 575 should be read in conjunction with Private Acts of 1929, Chapter 565 which can be found on the proceeding page.
SECTION 1. that an additional Civil District, to be known as the Eighth Civil District in Hawkins County, Tennessee, is hereby created from a part of the First Civil District of Hawkins County, Tennessee, said new, or Eighth Civil District bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the line between Hamblen County and Hawkins County, and in the center of the public road, leading southwestwardly from what is known as the old Jacob Shepard farm to the town of Whitesburg; thence southwardly with the line between Hamblen and Hawkins Counties to a stake, corner to Hawkins, Hamblen, and Greene counties, thence with the line of Greene County northeastwardly to center of what is known as the Ward’s Gap road; thence northwestwardly with said Ward’s Gap road, the same being a public road, to a point in said road near the late Jacob Shepard’s residence, where a public road extends southwestwardly from said Ward’s Gap road; thence southwestwardly with said public road which extends Southwestwardly from said Ward’s Gap road, toward the town of Whitesburg to the place of beginning.
SEC. 2. that Election Commissioners for Hawkins County shall within four months after the passage of this Act, call an election for the purpose of electing for the Eighth Civil District of Hawkins County, Tennessee, two justices of the peace and one constable, and until their successors are elected and qualified; and that the expenses of said election shall be borne and paid by the County as such elections are now provided for by existing laws.
SEC. 3. that the election law known as the Dortch Law, which now applies to Hawkins County, shall apply to the district herein created, and that any law or part of a law in conflict with this section is hereby repealed as to this section, and that the Dortch Law shall apply to all of the Districts in Hawkins County, including this one.
SECTION 4. that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: May 14, 1915.