Private Acts of 1821 Chapter 135
SECTION 1. That the lines of Hardin County shall be as follows, (to wit:) Beginning at the south west corner of Wayne County, thence west with the southern boundary line of this state, to the south west corner of section one in range six in the 9th surveyors district, thence north thirty miles to the north west corner of section 6, in range 6, thence east to the east bank of Tennessee river, thence up with the meanders of said river, to the point where Wayne county leaves said river, thence with Wayne county line to the beginning.
SECTION 2. That James Barnes, Robert Shannon, Hieram Boon, John Williams, Alexander Swaney, Tilman Patton and John Kendle, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to fix on a place within three miles of the center of said county, and as such nearer the center as a suitable situation can be procured, and the said commissioners shall purchase fifty acres of land at the place which they may fix upon as aforesaid, and shall receive a title to the same in fee simple to themselves, and their successors in office and shall lay off the said fifty acres of land into a town to be known by the name of Hardinsville, reserving near the center thereof a public square of two acres, on which the court-house and stocks shall be built, likewise reserving any other lot they may think proper for the purpose of having a jail built thereon for the use of the said county of Hardin.
SECTION 3. That the said commissioners shall sell the lots of said town at public sale on a credit of twelve months, giving due notice thereof in one or more of the public newspapers, printed in Columbia or Nashville, and shall take bond with sufficient security from the purchasers of said lots payable to themselves and successors in office for the use of said county, and shall make titles in fee simple to the respective purchasers of said lots.
SECTION 4. That the proceeds of the sales of the lots aforesaid, shall be a fund in the hands of the said commissioners for defraying the expenses incurred in the purchase of the tract of land on which the town above mentioned is directed to be laid off, and also for the defraying the expense (sic) of building a court-house, prison and stocks.
SECTION 5. That the said commissioners shall superintend the building of said court-house, prison and stocks, and shall let the court-house to the lowest bidder, advertising the same sixty days, in one of the newspapers printed in Columbia, setting forth the dimensions of which it is to consist, and the materials of which it is to be built, and shall take a bond with sufficient securities from the person to whom the said courthouse is let, payable to themselves and successors in office, in the sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his contract; and if the proceeds of the sales of said lots is not sufficient for the purposes above mentioned, it shall be the duty of the county court of Hardin, to lay a tax not exceeding the amount of the state tax levied in said county to be applied to the objects aforesaid, and to be continued until all arrearages are paid off.
SECTION 6. That the said commissioners before they enter upon the duties to their appointment shall give a bond in the sum of five thousand dollars each, payable to the chairman of the county court of Hardin, and his successors in office for the use of said county, conditioned for the faithful performance of the trust reposed in them, and shall likewise take the following oath:
I, A.B. Do solemnly swear (or affirm) that as a commissioner to act for the county of Hardin, I will do equal and impartial justice to the citizens of said county to the best of my skill and ability, SO HELP ME GOD.
And the bond shall be filed in the clerk's office for the county of Hardin, and shall not be so construed as to make any one of said commissioners security for another.
SECTION 7. That so soon as said scite (sic) shall have been fixed upon, and purchased by said commissioners, the county court of Hardin county, shall at their discretion adjourn said court and all proceedings therein to said place, and from thence forth the same shall be the seat of justice for said county, and all matter, causes and things then depending in the county and circuit courts of Hardin county, shall be tried and determined in the same manner as if they had been originally made returnable to that place.
SECTION 8. That a majority of the commissioners by this act appointed shall in all cases be competent to perform the duties by this act assigned them, and if any one neglects or refuses to act, a majority of the justices of said county of Hardin may appoint another in his place, and when the said commissioners shall have performed the duties above enjoined upon them, they shall lay before the county court of Hardin a full statement of all their proceedings, and the said county court shall make them a reasonable compensation for their services.
SECTION 9. That all laws and parts of laws, coming within the purview and meaning of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed, and this act shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of January next.
Passed: November 1, 1821.