Acts of 1823 Chapter 126
SECTION 1. That a new county, to be called and known by the name of Tipton county, in memory of captain Jacob Tipton, who fell at St. Clair's defeat, be, and the same is hereby, established, to be bounded as follows, viz: beginning on the line separating the eleventh and thirteenth districts, at a point two miles west of the first rage [sic] line in the eleventh district, running west on said dividing line, to the middle of the Mississippi river; thence down the main channel of the same, to [the] north-west corner of Shelby county; thence east with the northern boundary line of Shelby county, to the north-east corner thereof; thence north with the western boundary line of territorial country east of Shelby county, to the north-west corner of said territorial country; thence east with [the] northern boundary of the same, to a point three miles east of the second range line in the eleventh district; and thence north, parallel with the said line, to the beginning.
SECTION 2. That for the due administration of justice, said county shall be, and compose, a part of the fourteenth solicitorial district, and of the eighth judicial circuit; and the county and circuit courts shall be held at the house where Nathan Hartfield now lives, the county courts on the first Mondays of March, June, September, and December, of each and every year, and the circuit courts on the second Mondays of April, and October, in each and every year, until otherwise provided for by law.
SECTION 3. That the militia of said county shall compose the ______ regiment, and shall be attached to the ______ brigade; and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of said county, to open and hold an election for field officers of said regiment, at the place appointed for holding courts, on the second Thursday, and Friday following, in the month of January, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four, under the same rules and regulations as in similar cases.
SECTION 4. That the tax due and owing from said county for the present year, shall be collected by the sheriff of said county, in all cases where the same may remain due and unpaid; and so much of said tax as may be collected by the sheriff of Shelby county, shall be paid over by him to the sheriff of Tipton County, who shall be liable for the same to the state and county.
SECTION 5. That such justices of the peace as have been commissioned for Shelby county, as shall fall into Tipton county, as now established, shall continue to hold their commissions and exercise their authority in the same manner that they would be authorized to do, had they been originally commissioned for Tipton county; and any one of said justices of the peace, or any other justice of the peace, from any other county of this state, attending at the time and place appointed for the first county court in said county, shall be authorized to administer all oaths necessary for the organization of the same.
SECTION 6. That it shall be the duty of the clerk of Shelby county, to furnish to the sheriff of Tipton county, when appointed, a list of the taxable property in said county, for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three; and it shall also be the duty of the principal surveyor of the eleventh district, to furnish to said sheriff, a list of all lands liable to taxation for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, from which said severally lists the said sheriff shall collect as soon after his election as practicable, and account for and pay over the same as other sheriffs in this state.
Passed: October 29, 1823.