Private Acts of 1929 Chapter 707
SECTION 1. That the County line between Sumner and Trousdale Counties be changed and established as follows: Beginning at a point in the mouth of Canoe Branch where it empties into Cumberland River near Canoe Branch Ferry, and at low water mark, thence in a northerly direction with the southwest margin of the Public Road running from the River at Canoe Branch Ferry to the Castillian Springs and Hunters Point Road to a point where said road intersects with the Castillian Springs and Hunters Point Road, thence eastwardly with the Southern margin of said road about one-fourth mile to an old Oak Stump in the present county line between said Counties, said line as above designated detaches from Sumner County and attaches to Trousdale County the property of Callie Cunningham and perhaps others.
SECTION 2. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 11, 1929