Private Acts of 1919 Chapter 307
SECTION 1. That Unicoi County of this State be and is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase real or personal property for common or high school purposes and to this end it may at any time, by and through its Quarterly Court, at any regular term or at a call term, or session, levy a tax in such a sum as may be sufficient to pay for the same. The said Quarterly Court of said county may make all contracts and agreements pertaining to said purchase.
SECTION 2. That any levy made for such purposes shall be made upon all the taxable properties of said county as levies are made for general taxes for other county purposes and such taxes so levied shall be collected by the officer of the county whose duty it may be to collect the taxes for general county purposes.
SECTION 3. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 24, 1919.