Acts of 1909 Chapter 450
SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to place or cause to be placed in any of the running streams, lakes, or ponds in Unicoi County, Tenn., or place so near the banks of said running streams, lakes, or ponds so that the same will be washed therein by high tides or overflows any sawdust, shavings, or off-fallings from sawmills or planing machines.
SECTION 2. That any violation of this Act shall be a misdemeanor, and the punishment for each offense shall, upon conviction, be a fine of not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars.
SECTION 3. That the grand juries of Unicoi County have inquisitorial power under this Act.
SECTION 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 28, 1909.