Acts of 1845-46 Chapter 5
SECTION 1. That all that portion of Wayne County lying north and west of a line, commencing on the Tennessee river in Wayne county, at the north of Beach Creek, running thence up said creek to the fork near John Johnson's, thence up the north fork to the next fork, thence with the dividing ridge between the forks so as to strike Buffalo river at the mouth of Canoe branch, crossing said river, thence up said Buffalo river including John Smith's, at the foot of Samuel Holmes' bend, thence one mile north, thence east to the Lewis county line, thence with the Lewis county line to the point where it passes into Hickman county, thence westwardly with the line between Hickman and Wayne to where it joins Perry county; be and is hereby attached and shall constitute a part of Perry county.
SECTION 2. That Andrew H. Guthrie, Nepthali Tracy, James Mathews, Andrew J. Helms and Simon D. Whitly be appointed commissioners to assign the citizens thus stricken off to such civil district or districts within the county of Perry as shall be most convenient for them. And that the citizens thereof shall be entitled to all the privileges and subject to all the liabilities of the citizens of the county of Perry.
SECTION 3. That the citizens within the territory thus stricken off from the county of Wayne, be required to perform military duty as the citizens in the respective districts in Perry county, to which they have been attached as provided in the second section of this act, Provided always, that if the county of Perry be divided otherwise, this act is rendered null and void.
SECTION 4. That Andrew J. Helms and Simon D. Whitly, Esqs., be appointed to open and hold an election at the Cross Roads at Alexander Oaks' old place, on Saturday the 7th day of February next, after giving fifteen days notice in at least four public places in the district, proposed to be attached. And all those in favor of being attached to Perry county, shall have on their ticket "Perry County," and those who are opposed, shall have on their ticket "Wayne County," and none but those qualified by law to vote for Governor, &c., and residing within the territory proposed to be attached shall vote, and if a majority of the legal voters residing in said territory vote in favor of being attached as aforesaid, then and in that case, it shall be considered a part of Perry county; Provided, that said county of Wayne shall not be reduced below the constitutional limits of 625 square miles: And provided further, That said line shall not approach within 12 miles of Waynesborough, the county seat of Wayne county.
Passed: November ____, 1845.