Private Acts of 1959 Chapter 256
COMPILER’S NOTE: See Private Acts of 1929, Chapter 10, reproduced following this Act.
SECTION 1. That a Circuit Court for the Sixth Judicial Circuit to be styled the "Fourth Division of the Circuit Court of Hamilton County" be, and it hereby is created and established.
SECTION 2. That the Fourth Division of the Circuit Court of Hamilton County shall be held in the courthouse in the City of Chattanooga, Tennessee, and the County Council of Hamilton County shall provide suitable quarters with necessary equipment and appurtenances for the holding of the sessions of said Fourth Division of the Circuit Court.
SECTION 3. That the powers and jurisdiction of the Fourth Division of the Circuit Court of Hamilton County shall be equal and concurrent with the other divisions of said Circuit Court, and all laws applicable to the other divisions shall be applicable to said Fourth Division of said Circuit Court of Hamilton County.
SECTION 4. That the practice and procedure in said Fourth Division of the Circuit Court of Hamilton County shall be the same as in the other divisions of said Circuit Court and all laws, rules and regulations relating to practice and procedure, shall be applicable to all divisions of said Circuit Court.
SECTION 5. That the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Hamilton County shall act as Clerk of the Fourth Division of said Circuit Court as well as for all other divisions of said Circuit Court and shall keep dockets, records and minutes thereof as now or may hereafter be provided by law and rules of said Court. The compensation of said Clerk shall be and remain as it is now or may hereafter be fixed by law with the fees accruing to said Clerk for services rendered in each of the four divisions of said Circuit Court to be treated as accruing in one Court only.
SECTION 6. That there is hereby created the office of an additional Circuit Judge for the Sixth Judicial Circuit, for the purpose of holding the Fourth Division of the Circuit Court of Hamilton County, who shall be a person qualified by law to hold said office, to be appointed by the Governor of the State of Tennessee to fill such office as Judge, and to hold office until September 1, 1960, and until his successor is elected and qualified in accordance with the general law. Said Judge shall be qualified as other Circuit Judges of the State, shall hold office for same term, shall receive the same compensation, and shall possess the same powers and jurisdiction as other Circuit Judges of the State, and elections to the vacancies in said office shall be held and filled in the manner provided by general law.
SECTION 7. That the powers and jurisdiction of the Judge of the Fourth Division of the Circuit Court of Hamilton County shall be equal, coordinate and concurrent with the powers and jurisdiction of the Judges of the other divisions of said Circuit Court.
SECTION 8. That the Judge of the Fourth Division of the Circuit Court of Hamilton County is authorized to appoint a court officer, in accordance with the existing power of the Judges of the other divisions of said Circuit Court, and that such officer shall receive compensation in the same manner and amount as is paid the court officers of the other divisions of said Circuit Court.
SECTION 9. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this Act be, and the same hereby are repealed, and that this Act shall take effect from July 1, 1959, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 19, 1959.