Private Acts of 1975 Chapter 97
SECTION 1. The following private and public acts or parts of acts applicable solely to Weakley County are hereby repealed:Chapter 124, Acts of 1844 relative to an authorization for revenue commissioners for Weakley County to settle certain accounts of the trustee of said county; Chapter 247 of the Acts of 1852 relative to the unexpended balance of funds appropriated for improvement of the Obion River; Chapter 15 of the Acts of 1875 relative to the appointment of additional notary publics; Chapter 170 of the Acts of 1879 relative to the appointment of two additional notaries public for Weakley County; Chapter 157, Private Acts of 1909 relative to the Sharon Special School District; Chapter 35, Private Acts of 1913 relative to the Sharon Special School District; Chapter 274, Private Acts of 1919 relative to women as deputy clerks; Chapter 688, Private Acts of 1919, relative to the compensation of the County Judge in lunacy matters; Chapter 169, Private Acts of 1923 relative to the issuance of county warrants by the County Court Clerk; Chapter 702, Private Acts of 1923 relative to the salaries of several county officials; Chapter 534, Private Acts of 1925 relative to certain powers of telephone companies; Chapter 661, Private Acts of 1927 relative to certain sales, leases, rentals, etc. of municipally owned utilities; Chapter 91, Private Acts of 1929 relative to the authorization of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to borrow money; Chapter 170, Private Acts of 1929 relative to a recording of a deed; Chapter 841, Private ;Acts of 1929 relative to the borrowing of money in cases of floods, fires, etc.; Chapter 869,Private Acts of 1929 relative to appropriations in aid of agriculture and dairy exhibits in the county or state fair; Chapter 2, Private Acts of 1931, relative to the appointment and qualifications of deputy registrars; Chapter 5, Private Acts of 1931 relative to certificates of qualification for the position of County Superintendent of Schools; Chapter 111, Private Acts of 1931 relative to the Circuit Court Clerk's salary; Chapter 675, Private Acts of 1933 relative to the salary of the trustee; Chapter 433, Private Acts of 1935 relative to the jurisdiction of the County Judge and the County Quarterly Court; Chapter 696, Private Acts of 1937 relative to certain persons voting in the tenth and twenty-third civil districts; Chapter 798, Private Acts of 1937 relative to voting in county primary elections; Chapter 476, Private Acts of 1941 relative to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction; Chapter 362, Private Acts of 1951 relative to the creation and powers of a Board of Jury Commissioners; Chapter 552, Private acts of 1951 relative to the creation of a finance and purchasing commission and a budget committee; Chapter 260, Private Acts of 1953 relative to the compensation of Justices of the Peace; Chapter 196, Private Acts of 1957 relative to the office of livestock inspector; Chapter 57, Private Acts of 1969 relative to the payment of bonded indebtedness for the Sharon Special School District.
SECTION 2. This Act shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (2/3)vote of the Quarterly Court of Weakley County before September 1, 1975. Its approval or non approval shall be proclaimed by the presiding officer of the Quarterly County Court and certified by him to the Secretary of State.
SECTION 3. For the purpose of approving or rejecting the provisions of this Act, it shall be effective upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it. For all other purposes, it shall become effective upon being approved as provided in Section 2.
Passed: May 1, 1975.