Acts of 1851-52 Chapter 367
SECTION 1. That the lines between the counties of Hardin and Decatur be changed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point where the counties of Henderson, Hardin, and Decatur join, running from thence with the Hardin County line to Doe creek; thence down said creek to the Tennessee river; thence down said river to the south boundary line of Decatur county, and that all that part of Hardin county contained within the lines as herein designated, and situated north and west of the Tennessee river, and below Doe creek, be attached to the county of Decatur, and that all persons living within said bounds shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges, and subject to all the liabilities of other citizens of said county of Decatur, provided it does not reduce the county of Hardin below her constitutional limits of six hundred and twenty-five square miles, and in order to ascertain that fact it shall be the duty of the county court of the county of Hardin, whenever the county court of the county of Decatur or the petitioners residing within the strip of the county of Hardin, who have petitioned to be annexed to the county of Decatur, shall have furnished to the county court of the county of Hardin, the money or means wherewith to survey the county of Hardin, to appoint a competent surveyor of the county of Hardin, whose duty it shall be to survey said county of Hardin, and make a plat thereof, which plat and survey, when made, shall be by said surveyor laid before the county courts of the counties of Hardin and Decatur. Provided further, This act shall not take effect until said survey, showing it does not infringe on the constitutional rights of the county of Hardin.
Passed: February 4, 1852.
COMPILER'S NOTE: The remainder of this act did not affect Decatur County and is not reprinted herein.