Acts of 1799 Chapter 3
SECTION 1. That the county of Davidson be divided by a line as follows, viz. Beginning at a point 40 poles due north of the dwellinghouse of Thomas McCroy, on the waters of Little Harpeth, running thence East, two miles and one hundred and four poles, thence South 70 degrees East, sixteen miles and two hundred and seventy poles, thence due South to the Indian boundary line, then with said line Westwardly to the Robertson county line, thence with said Robertson county line, North to a point due West from the mouth of Little Harpeth, thence a direct line to a point on South Harpeth, South-West from the mouth of said Little Harpeth, thence north east to the mouth of said Little Harpeth, thence a direct line to the beginning; and that county, so laid off on the South, be known and distinguished by the name of Williamson.
COMPILER'S NOTE: The remaining sections of this act related to Williamson County and subjects other than boundaries.
Passed: October 26, 1799.