Private Acts of 1939 Chapter 357
SECTION 1. That in all counties of this State having a population of not less than 19,715 nor more than 19,730, according to the Federal Census of 1930, or any subsequent Federal Census, it is hereby declared to be unlawful to hunt or kill squirrels prior to August 15 or later than December 31st.
It shall be lawful to gig fish in such counties at any time.
SECTION 2. That there shall be no closed season upon the hunting of foxes in counties coming under this Act.
SECTION 3. That there shall be no closed season upon fishing for bream in counties coming under this Act.
SECTION 4. That all provisions of the general Game and Fish Law shall be applicable to counties falling within the population as provided in this Act, except such provisions in the general Game and Fish Law as may conflict with the specific provisions of this Act.
SECTION 5. That this Act shall take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: February 24, 1939.