Private Acts of 1917 Chapter 717
SECTION 1. That Chapter 298 of the Acts of 1903 be, and is hereby amended by creating and establishing out of what is now the Ninth Civil District of said Cocke County, the Tenth Civil District of said Cocke County, which shall embrace and include all the territory embraced in and which composed the Thirteenth Civil District prior to and at the date of the passage of said Chapter 298 of the Acts of 1903.
SECTION 2. That the part of the Ninth Civil District remaining after the detachment of the territory included in and composing the Tenth Civil District herein created be and remain the Ninth Civil District of said County of Cocke, and that the magistrate and other officers in said remaining territory herein designated as the Ninth District be and remain officers of said Ninth District; and that the magistrate and other officers residing in and holding office in the territory herein created the Tenth Civil District of said county be and the same are officers in and for said Tenth District.
SECTION 3. That the voting precincts of Sutton and Naillon heretofore known as the voting precincts of said Ninth District be and the same hereby constitute the voting precincts respectively of the Ninth and Tenth Districts herein established.
SECTION 4. That an additional magistrate for each of the Ninth and Tenth Civil Districts shall be elected by the people of said districts, and for this purpose the Election Commissioners of said county shall call an election to be held on the first Saturday in July following the passage of this Act, said election to be held under the present requirements and restrictions; and said Election Commissioners shall give notice at least thirty days prior to the date of said election in a newspaper published in Cocke County, or by printed circulars posted at the voting precincts in each of said districts where said Election Commissioners shall meet on Tuesday following said election for the purpose of canvassing the returns of said election, and upon so doing, shall declare the person polling the largest number of votes in the Ninth District and the person polling the largest number of votes in the Tenth District duly and legally constituted a magistrate of said district in which elected, until the next regular election.
SECTION 5. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
SECTION 6. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 2, 1917.