Private Acts of 1903 Chapter 298
SECTION 1. That the Second, Fifth, Ninth, Seventh, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth and Seventeenth Civil Districts of Cocke County as now laid out and constituted, be and the same are hereby abolished, and that the territory therein be attached to the Third, Fourth, Eighth, Tenth, Twelfth, Eleventh and Sixteenth Civil Districts as follows:
1.That all the territory lying and being within the lines of the Second District herein abolished, be and the same is hereby attached to the Third Civil District of said county and that said district be known and designated as District No. 2 of said county.
2.That all the territory lying and being within the lines of the Fifth and Seventeenth Civil Districts herein abolished, be and the same is hereby attached to the Fourth Civil District of Cocke County, and that said district be known and designated as District No. 3 of said county.
3.That all the territory lying and being within the lines of the Ninth Civil District herein abolished, be and the same is hereby attached to the Tenth Civil District of said county, and that said district be known and designated as District No. 5 of said county.
4.That all the territory lying and being within the lines of the Fourteenth District herein abolished, be and the same is hereby attached to the Eleventh Civil District and that said district shall be known and designated as District No. 7 of said county.
5.That all the territory lying and being within the lines of the Fifteenth Civil District herein abolished, be and the same is hereby attached to the Eighth Civil District of said county, and that said district shall be known and designated as District No. 8 of said county.
6.That all the territory lying and being within the lines of the Thirteenth Civil District herein abolished, be and the same is hereby attached to the Twelfth Civil District, and that said district shall be known and designated as District No. 9 of said county.
7.That all the territory lying and being within the lines of the Seventh District herein abolished, be and the same is hereby attached to the Sixteenth Civil District, and said civil district shall be known and designated as District No. 4 of said county.
SECTION 2. That the number of civil districts for said county as herein established shall not be increased or diminished except by Act of the General Assembly.
SECTION 3. That the offices of all the Justices of the Peace and Constables in the several districts herein abolished be and the same are hereby abolished.
SECTION 4. That the Justices of the Peace heretofore having jurisdiction over the territory formerly embraced within the districts abolished, and whose offices are abolished, shall turn over all books and papers belonging to their offices to the Justices who acquire jurisdiction of said territory under this Act, and the Justices to whom such books and papers are turned over may issue execution on judgments rendered by said Justices prior to the abolishing of their said offices, try all causes returned before them and pending when this Act takes effect and perform all Acts with reference to said abolished offices which the Justices holding the said offices could have legally performed if said offices had not been abolished.
SECTION 5. That the voting places or precincts in said county remain as they now are; provided, that the County Court upon the petition of two-thirds of the legal voters of any district may change the places for voting in said district and appoint a new voting place or places.
SECTION 6. That this Act shall not affect the school districts of said county as now laid out and established by law.
SECTION 7. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed, and that this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: March 25, 1903.