Private Acts of 1919 Chapter 730
SECTION 1. That the following bounded section shall compose the Tenth Civil District of Claiborne County, Tennessee, beginning at a white oak in the Grant line in the Hopper Gap of Cumberland mountain; thence running southwardly with the east line of Dorsey Alexander's farm to the Powells Valley pike road; thence southwardly with the line of Dicy Branscomb and Horace Russell to the farm of William Russell; thence westwardly with the east line of J. P. Edwards via the Russell Schoolhouse and with William Russell's line to the top of the ridge of John Pierce's farm; thence southwardly to the head of Big Branch Hollow; thence with said hollow to the Union County line near Powells river; thence with the Union County line to the Campbell County line, and thence with the line between Campbell and Claiborne County to the Grant line, and thence with said Grant line to the beginning.
(a) The Alexander farm is to be in the 7th District.
(b) The I. R. Dunns Branscombs farm is to be in the 7th District.
As amended by: | Private Acts of 1923, Chapter 495 |
SEC. 2. That the Election Commissioners of Claiborne County shall, within sixty days after the passage of this Act, open and hold an election in said district for the purpose of electing two Justices of the Peace, and one Constable, and any other district officer or officers common to all the other districts of Claiborne County, Tennessee, for said district, who shall hold their offices until the next general election for such offices, respectively.
SEC. 3. That Rogers' mill shall be the voting place in said district.
SEC. 4. That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it.
Passed: April 10, 1919.