Acts of 1817 Chapter 159
Sec. 1. That Thomas R. M'Clary is hereby appointed surveyor, to survey, and cause to be plainly marked, the line hereafter mentioned, to wit: Beginning on Clinch river, at the lower end of Graves' bent, then to Powell's river, to the place where the present dividing line between Claiborne and Campbell crosses the same, so as to leave the house of Conrad Sharp one hundred poles in Campbell county, and the house of David Smith one hundred poles in Claiborne county; then to Powell's valley, so as to strike the creek on which James Walkers iron works stands, one hundred poles above said iron works; then a direct course to Cumberland mountain, so as to leave the house of Thomas M'Lean one hundred poles in Campbell county; then a direct course to the clear fork of Cumberland river, so as to leave the house of Isaac Owens in Campbell county; then north forty five degrees west to the Kentucky line.
Sec. 2. That the sheriffs of each of the before mentioned counties shall have full power to collect any arrearages of taxes that may remain due in such parts of territory as may have been exchanged by this act.
Sec. 3. That the said Thomas R. M'Clary, shall be allowed the sum of three dollars per day for running and marking the same.
Nov. 22, 1817.