Powers-County Mayor
Reference Number: CTAS-754
To carry out the financial responsibilities, the county mayor has the following powers:
- If there is no county attorney, to employ and/or retain counsel to advise the mayor and the members of the county legislative body as to their legal rights as members, to prepare resolutions for passage by the body, and to represent the county in suits brought by or against the county, except suits by the county to collect delinquent taxes. The attorney is entitled to a reasonable fee for his or her services and/or retention to be fixed by a majority vote of the members of the county legislative body at a regular session, to be paid out of the county general fund.
- To require clerks of courts to produce all records, documents and papers in their offices relative to county revenue collected by that officer.
- To call or summon all witnesses having any knowledge relating to the county revenue.
- To demand of each clerk an account, on oath, of all moneys collected for the use of the county, setting forth each separate item, from whom, and at what time received, and the source from which it was derived.
- To call the collectors of the county tax, at the time prescribed by law, for the purpose of making a final settlement for the year past.
- To call the county trustee to a settlement when required by law, or by the court.
- To procure, at the county’s expense, a well-bound book, and therein cause to be entered, on the left-hand pages, two regular accounts, one against the collectors of taxes and revenue, the other against the county trustee, stating the amount of the taxes for which the collectors are accountable, and each item with which each of the officers is chargeable, in behalf of the county, expressing the manner in which it became due and owing, or by whom paid. And, on the right-hand page, opposite the debits, the county mayor shall cause to be entered such item or credit to which either of the officers is entitled, plainly showing the amount thereof and to whom paid.
- To transfer the balance, if any, either for or against the county, to their respective accounts to be opened for the ensuing year, so that the county executive may be enabled, when required by the county legislative body, plainly to show the state and condition of the county treasury, and in what manner the moneys thereof have been disbursed.
- To demand of the county clerk a list of the amount of taxes put into the hands of the collector, and due and owing for that year, together with sufficient vouchers, showing the amount of moneys paid to the trustee, as required by law, for fines and forfeitures, and the amount of all appropriations made for the year by the county legislative body, with all necessary documents and vouchers showing any receipts and disbursements of county money. T.C.A. § 5-6-112.
- To act for the county clerk when the clerk cannot perform any official act because of interest or relationship. T.C.A. § 5-6-114.
County mayors, as well as former county mayors and county executives, may perform marriages. T.C.A. § 36-3-301.
These statutory powers and responsibilities are only a very few of the day-to-day duties performed by the county mayor. While these duties provide the framework for the county mayor’s administrative functions, the details of the county mayor’s responsibilities are spread throughout the laws concerning county government.