Private Acts of 1835-36 Chapter 30
COMPILER'S NOTE: Sections 3 through 11 concerned only Benton County and are not published in his volume.
SECTION 1. That from and after the first day of January, 1836, the county of Humphreys shall be and the same is hereby declared divided, making the Tennessee river the dividing line of said county.
SECTION 2. That there shall be a new county laid off including all that part or section of county, west of the Tennessee river, formerly included in the county of Humphreys, to be called. known and designated in this State by the county of Benton, to have and possess all the rights and privileges, known to any other county in this state, by any general law or usage.
SECTION 12. That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as to prevent the county of Humphreys from entering up judgments, or the sheriffs of said county from selling under such judgments, any lands or other property within the bounds of the said county of Benton for taxes and charges that are due from the citizens of said county of Benton, for the present or any preceding year.
Passed: December 19, 1835.