Acts of 1813 Chapter 97
WHEREAS it appears to this General Assembly that the citizens residing in the south east corner of the county of Jackson labor under great inconveniency in consequence of their remote situation from the seat of justice in said county; for remedy whereof,
SECTION 1. That all that part of Jackson lying east and south of the following lines to wit. Beginning where the eastern boundary line of Jackson county, and the northern boundary line of White county intersect each other on the Walton road at the White Plains, thence westwardly along the dividing ridge that divides the waters of Roaring river and Falling water, until it strikes the main branch of Cane creek, thence down said creek including the dwelling house of Smith Hutchins in White county, to where the dividing line between Jackson and White crosses the same, leaving said Walton’s road and all the water of Roaring river in Jackson county, and that the same is hereby stricken off the county of Jackson, and is hereby attached to, and shall become a part of the county of White: Provided nothing herein contained shall deprive Jackson county of its constitutional limits.
SECTION 2. That the sheriff of Jackson county shall collect all arrearages of taxes already laid by any order or orders of the county court of Jackson, and all state taxes already due and uncollected in the same manner and under the same rules and regulations as he could have done if this act had not passed.
SECTION 3. That this law shall take effect from and after the first day of December next.
Passed: November 16, 1813.